Monday 2 April 2012

Watch and Wait

Our animal friends spend a lot of time awaiting for us to get our act together.

Thursday 29 March 2012


I suppose birds have a love-hate relationship with glass depending if they are crashing into it or using it as a barrier against being eaten.

Cats probably just straight up hate it.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Sydney Camera Market

Last Sunday's Sydney Camera market. I go for the camera porn and to see friends that I don't see anywhere else. Made it out alive without buying anything. I have cameras which I have purchased but have never used.

As I was leaving I notice these guys standing outside all carrying Leica cameras and all carrying the same beige bags. They told me all Leica users have to carry this beige bag. If you see these bags, it's likely there's a Leica camera inside. Bag not made by Leica. Must be the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Playland Comes of Age

I have never really liked amusement parks, fairs, or any similar such places. In some ways it is weird because I love rides, greasy food,  people watching and games... so really I should be stoked to be there. I kind of feel like a party pooper for not being into it as it seems like everyone else is, but I just cannot get excited about it.

Looking back, I did spend a fair bit of time as a kid at such places, weirded out by the people running the rides, wandering aimlessly in an attempt to meet girls (which never happened) and getting bullied by older kids. In fact I remember one roller coaster ride where the guys in front of us that were several years older spent the whole ride spitting in the air so that it would fly back and hit us in the face. We were locked in so we couldn't move... like adolescent water boarding. It was horrible.

So admittedly, maybe I have a negative association.

This past summer I went to the fair with my nieces.. and I took my camera. What was always a place to  avoid instead became a treat: The odd collection of people became incredible lens fodder. Plus I'm married so I don't need to cruise for girls and I am much bigger than most teenagers so they left me alone. My world has come full circle...